bip 3 Diesel Test Benches, Tools, Equipments


CR 1 SIM is a simple test simulator for initial testing of the common rail injectors.

It is designed to save time by checking spray pattern before actually starting a more complete test.

Capable to test;

  • Bosch Selenoid
  • Bosch piezo
  • Delphi 
  • Denso
  • Denso piezo
  • Siemens piezo injectors.      

** Please check the OPTIONAL tab below to see additional auxiliary tools

CR 1 SIM - Test Simulator

Its simple and ergonomical design helps customers to perform fast and reliable tests on every model of common rail injector. 

Display shows the injector coil empedance before test.
You can adjust rpm and pulse with a endless pot very easily

You can see the noozle condition if its blocked or leaking with spray pattern.

Some features of simulator’s are

  •  Current Protection
  •  Henry and capacitance measurement
  •  Rpm adjustment (200- 3000)
  • Injection Pulse adjustment (0,160 – 2,5 ms).


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